The Makeshift Miracle
The Makeshift Miracle is an idea I've had jangling around in my brain for several years now. It's had several false starts and never had the potential to reach a wider audience, until now with this website.

Part 1: The Idea

In the summer of 1998, I was brainstorming ideas for comics with my roommates Omar and Nick. I didn't really want to do a typical superhero story. A lot of my story influences were coming from romantic comedy anime, like Kimagure Orange Road or Video Girl Ai. I wanted to create a story that made other people feel the way I had when I first saw those shows. The whimsical characters, the down on his luck protagonist. It would be different, but carry enough of those themes to be related.

It wasn't until the end of that summer that I came up with a title for it. I used to walk to work and flood my brain with different word combinations. I think a great title flows off the tongue and conveys some meaning about the type of story you're presenting. The words bounced around and finally Makeshift Miracle came up and really stuck. The image on your right was drawn that day so that I wouldn't forget it. Of course looking at it now, the "Coming Fall 1998" just makes me shake my head. With my constant revision and busy schedule, I couldn't pull together the story I wanted. In fact, Omar used to rib me and call it "The Makeshift Shambles".

The original script I wrote went through many changes. For example, the first draft has Colby walking through a snow storm and getting splashed by passing cars. Even still, the first 10 or so pages of the Makeshift Miracle web comic has many lines that are almost directly taken from that original draft.

The Original Image

Head on to Part 2

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