The Makeshift Miracle
The Makeshift Miracle is an idea I've had jangling around in my brain for several years now. It's had several false starts and never had the potential to reach a wider audience, until now with this website.

Part 2: Colby's Name

Strangely enough, the name Colby Reynolds came up rather fast. It's a combination of two people's names and I thought it worked right off the bat.

Colby was the name of one of my brother Joe's friends from University residence. When I used to go and visit Joe at the campus, he'd regale me with stories about his wacky friend Colby. I remember him telling me about Colby's wanderings and strange adventures. I have no idea why, but that first name stuck with me and I liked the sound of it.

Reynolds is the last name of my friend Glenn Reynolds. After high school, Glenn and I caused a ruckus with adventures in Toronto and its outskirts. Glenn's a wanderer through and through. I wanted a last name that was common, but not too typical and Glenn's fit Colby quite well.

Glenn actually came out to Calgary to visit me last year. We had great conversations about growing up and nostalgia of college years. When I went to work on the new Makeshift Miracle, that really solidified the name Reynolds as the thoughtful wanderer. Glenn's not at all like the character of Colby, but there's some crucial elements there.

Colby Reynolds

Head on to Part 3

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